Why Serve?

Out of all the spiritual disciplines that we will talk about in 2024, the one that I am most confident Christians know how to do is service.
Service is what we see in John 13 where Jesus washes the disciples’ feet. It’s about sacrificing your own agenda for the sake of someone else. Literally, to serve them.
Like many of you, I’ve done this over the years. I found places to serve and leaned into what it means to be a Christian who serves.
The last couple of years, the Lord has really convicted my intentions around the idea of why. Why am I serving? Why am I doing all of the actions that I do?
Here’s what I realized… If I’m not serving for the Lord, my service will never last. I’ll become burnt out. I’ll become resentful. I’ll become all the things that I don’t want my service to be. So in this season, what I’m leaning into is the idea that my service is for the Lord. Regardless of outcome, regardless of appreciation, regardless of recognition… I do this for the Lord and the Lord alone. 
This month, as we embrace the spiritual discipline of service, let me invite you to wrestle with this question: Why do you serve?

-Pastor Tony