
Hey Friends,

As we’ve done these blogs over this month, we’ve been focusing on embracing our identity in Christ. Something I always think about with identity in Christ is freedom. When most Americans hear that word, we think of it as the right to do what we want… shoot off all the fireworks we can carry while we down as many hot dogs as we can handle. But Christ’s freedom is different. Christ’s freedom does not give us the ability to do what we want, but rather the strength to walk away… to say no to what hurts us. In a way, Christ’s freedom gives us the ability to walk out of the jail cell of sin. To me, no verse captures this better than this one:

Galatians 5:1 – For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

Let us all embrace our identity of freedom and submit no more to sin.

-Pastor Casey