Who do I take seriously???

Dear friends,

I was just listening to Pastor Dave‘s message and asking myself the question… “Who do I take seriously?”

Of course, I want the answer to be Jesus, but I know the answer is also Satan. But who else in my life do I take seriously? Who do I pay attention to? Who do I contact for wisdom? Who are those who speak and I listen?

I think, as January comes to an end, it’s important for all of us to wrestle with this question, specifically as it pertains to intentional community. Community is where the voices in our lives get serious attention.

My hope and my prayer is that, over this next month, we lean into what it means to walk with Jesus as we walk with each other. I know the kingdom of God is greater when we are working together as one, and I’m super excited to kick off February’s intentional practice this weekend.

I will see you there! 
-Pastor Tony